Meeting the Needs of 80% of Your Market: Women

Marketing to Women

So we know we are marketing to women, as a least 80% of the active consumer market worldwide. But what needs to change in order to effectively do this? Let’s start with basic communication.

Women and men communicate differently. They also might display different buying habits in certain situations.

What’s likely happening behind the scenes in many male-female married households with kids is that the woman’s emotions are driving the bulk of the household purchases.

With women communicating more both in person and on the internet, mom has access to a plethora of information on a variety of products. Her justification for needing said products will likely be based on the following:

  • What she finds in the way of helpful articles, tips, and information from authority sources
  • Product reviews and opinions she reads on social media
  • Books and films that deliver more in-depth info about the product
  • Ads and commercials that explain details about the product, what problem it solves, and how to use it.

Based on her research of the problem, and related products, she is likely to express her concern to her partner and establish a family need for a certain product or service.

Once the need is established and there is agreement on the need for this product, it goes into the rotation for a routine purchase. The product may be sourced from a variety of places, including Amazon, the nearest grocery or retail store; or even as a service or product provided by a local business.

Another possibility is that women are relying less on the approval of their partners before buying an item that she perceives as being needed, either for herself or for the household and family.

Women can now enjoy the financial freedom that allows them to make their own purchasing decisions. As a result, before buying a product or signing up for a service, she may not consult with him at all.

The woman’s ability to earn an income outside the home means that she is now empowered in her purchasing decisions and she also is empowered in the relationship.

With this in mind as you focus on growing your sales, think of the woman consumer as the first line of defense that you must break through with a persuasive argument for your product as being a solution.

The deeper the connection you establish with your female customers, the more likely you will be able to gain a loyal following which results in repeat sales and ultimate trust in your brand and products.

Again, the female establishes the buying need. And with more than 80% of women working to support the household, and 80% of the consumer market being driven by female purchasing decisions, she is less likely to consult with him as was the case in prior generations.

Instead, she will move forward with a purchase of something that she perceives is important to either her, her partner, her kids, or all of the above.