Quality, Not Quantity When Posting Business Related Content on Social Media

A lot of businesses don’t care to be involved in social media shenanigans because they know that a tangled web can be woven. While social media is a good place to get lots of eyes on your business and grow your brand presence, it’s also a way to waste a lot of time and/or sully […]
Strengthen Your Social Media Presence with These Practices

Social media is a slippery slope. You can be flying high on likes and loves one day, and then be on everybody’s poop list by the end of the week. Just remember that everyone is watching, and everything links back to you. So anyone who wants to dig up info on you, for good OR […]
How to Gain the Loyalty of Your Female Customers

Wondering how to market to women in a way that gains you, loyal customers? Ask the important questions. Do you offer a product or service that would appeal to women? Is your business or product designed exclusively for female consumers? Are you looking to segment and focus on the women’s market for some of your […]
Marketing to Women in the Digital Age

Meeting the Needs of 80% of Your Market: Women So we know we are marketing to women, as a least 80% of the active consumer market worldwide. But what needs to change in order to effectively do this? Let’s start with basic communication. Women and men communicate differently. They also might display different buying habits […]
15 Brainstorm-Boosting Strategies for Topic Inspiration

The main problem of blogging is needing a steady stream of content, so you’ll need a consistent supply of new ideas. Since you don’t want to waste time developing ideas each time you sat to write a post, create a strategy for developing content in advance. Here are some sources where you can find tips […]
Welcome to my Blog

This is the first blog post and in the coming days, months, and years you will see the blog transform. Also, I’m about to publish the First Edition of The Digi Marketing Magazine. Signup will be available soon. You’ll be notified when it’s about to publish. Looking forward to cultivating meaningful relationships with my fellow […]